People and Places

The team - Left to right Rose, Dave, Cecilia, Rob and Jim, at the Tepui viewpoint.

Cecilia Herrera - Our excellent guide.  In typical birding attire with pockets full of bird books, iPod and speakers for playing back bird calls and Coffee!

The tower close to the Harpy nest site.  A scary climb!

View of the Sable tree in which the Harpy Eagles nested and which the juvenile still returns to 18 months later.

Cecilia, Rose and Xavier study a large lizard.

The sun did not always shine!  One of the few moments of rain.  Umbrellas at the best way to keep dry and cool (les hot!) although birding can be tricky. Xavier (the Harpy Eagle guide) is on the left.

Celebrating the sighting of the Harpy Eagle with home made Hot Chocolate.

Leaving Barquilla de Fresa.  Yes that is Alberto on top!

De-forestation in the Imataca Forest.  A sad sight.

Imataca Forest - On route to the Harpy site - Well and truly stuck!  Cecilia was not calling in the local vehicle rescue service, but probably an Antwren!!

The Gran Sabana - A large high altitude plateau at the top of the La Escalara road.

A sign in a nearby town.  The translation is along the lines

"The enigmatic Capuchin bird
It is the bird emblem of the Sifontes Municipality and its appearance dazzles not so much by its size, but rather by its plumage of reddish brown colour, which contrasts with the blue on of its totally naked face, it’s song is very similar to the mooing of a cow"

We would not argue with the description of the call!

Some of the cars queuing for petrol had seen better days!!!!

Cost of gas.  2.45 Bolivars = US $0.40 =  UK £0.27  for 35 litres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Cheaper than a can of beer. 

Alberto - Our driver for the trip.
Goto Trip List

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